I'm just passing this along, in case one of you live in these areas and are interested in providing your input on AutoCAD and several other Autodesk products:
Are you an Autodesk software user in Boston, Toronto or Portland (Oregon)? If so Autodesk wants your input on improving its products at a focus group or visit to your location. If you’re selected to attend you’ll receive an iPod Nano 8GB.
Research will be conducted in late January/early February. Focus groups will be conducted in a downtown hotel in each city at approximately 6:30pm – 8pm on a weekday evening. Customer visits will be conducted in the day time and will last approximately 1 hour.
If you’re interested in participating and helping us improve Autodesk software let us know by completing this form.
In my experience, these focus groups can be a good opportunity to give us your feedback and help improve AutoCAD (not to mention the iPod Nano). If you're interested, don't respond to me ... just complete this form.
I have completed the form, and it was a while ago, but i didnt get any response? what going on?
Thanks for bringing this up
Posted by: Web developer | January 26, 2010 at 02:44 AM