The release of the various 2011 products from Autodesk introduces the Autodesk material libraries. The material libraries are shared libraries that get installed with multiple Autodesk products. The Autodesk material libraries consist of the following modules:
Autodesk Material Library 2011 (CM)
This is the new material library (approximately 256 x 256). This library is installed by default, and is required for AutoCAD to have full visual style and color style functionality.
Autodesk Material Library 2011 Base Image Library (ILL)
This library contains low resolution images (approximately 512 x 512) for use with Autodesk materials and is also installed by default.
Autodesk Material Library 2011 Medium Image Library (ILM)
This library contains medium resolution images (approximately 1024 x 1024) for rendering materials in medium detail. This library is used for close-ups, and for rendering objects at a larger scale. This library is an optional installation, selectable from the installation or deployment wizards.
Even though two out of three of these libraries are installed by default with an Autodesk 2011 product, because they are shared libraries, they are not automatically uninstalled when you uninstall a product. This means that you must uninstall each of these libraries separately (they show up as separate entries).
Also, because the libraries are shared across products, you should not uninstall these libraries unless you are also uninstalling all Autodesk 2011 products that require these libraries. If you choose to uninstall these libraries, you should uninstall in the following order:
- Autodesk Material Library 2011 Medium Image Library
- Autodesk Material Library Base Image Library
- Autodesk Material Library 2011
Basically, you're uninstalling from last to first (in the list) or from largest to smallest.
If you realize that you need to re-install these libraries, e.g., you uninstalled them and then realized that there are other 2011 products that still rely on them, you can do this without having to re-install a whole product. Your product media contains separate installers for each of the materials libraries and you can launch those individually to re-install the libraries.
As with uninstall, there is a preferred order to material library installation. You must reinstall the Material Library (CM) before the Base (ILL) and Medium (ILM) Libraries. The Windows installer log will be inaccessible if the libraries are not reinstalled in the recommended order.
To reinstall Autodesk Material Library 2011:
From the product media, browse to and run: \support\ADSKMaterials\CM\ProteinMaterials.msi
To reinstall Autodesk Material Library 2011 Base Image Library:
From the product media, browse to and run: \support\ADSKMaterials\ILL\BaseImageLibrary.msi
To reinstall the Autodesk Material Library 2011 Medium Image Library:
From the product media, browse to and run: \support\ADSKMaterials\ILM\MediumImageLibrary.msi
One final note: there is an update available that resolves an issue with some of the default materials in the library not being usable in certain non-English products. You can find this update at the following link: