Last week I asked Without a Net readers to share their favorite, lesser-known AutoCAD commands or options and I've already gotten a couple of suggestions that took me on a walk down memory lane.
Dan Bonenfant with Duncan-Parnell Geomatics offered the following:
"This is a command I’ve used for years and was once a command line option of the zoom command. The option is no longer listed but is still available. It is Zoom Left. Basically you type in Z (for zoom) then L (for left). You then pick the lower left corner of what you would like as the window and type in a scale factor or zoom level like this:"
I have to admit, I had totally forgotten about the Zoom Left option. The Left option is much like the Center option except that, instead of specifying the location that will become the center of the display window, you specify the location that will become the lower-left corner of the display window. This is one of many options in AutoCAD that has been around forever but no longer appear at the command-line or in the help docs. Dig through some old R12 docs and I'll bet you find a few more.
Another similar option is the Zoom Vmax option. The Vmax option zooms out to the furthest coordinates, as far as possible without triggering a regeneration. This is different from the Extents option, which zooms out to the extents of the actual objects in the drawing window.
Thanks for the reminder, Dan.
Everyone else, keep sending in those forgotten or underdog features.