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    « AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2012 SP1 Ribbon Hotfix | Main | AutoCAD appearing to hang after copy pasting objects in certain files »

    November 08, 2011


    Erhard Klamminger


    We have installed DirectX version 11.0, so it´s a higher version than the required in link http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=19743. But we get the same error with heidi driver. Can you help me?

    Silvia Menon

    Hi Erhard,

    there can be many reasons for getting a "Heidi" Error - are you just seeing an error, or is AutoCAD actually crashing? I would in any case recommend to make sure you are running a certified card and driver, and run the DXDIAG tool in windows to check if there are any problems with your installed Direct X. If this does not help, please post the question in the AutoCAD forum at http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-2012/bd-p/529 and I can reply to you there and do some proper troubleshooting. Regards, Silvia

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