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    « AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2013 SP1 Temporarily Unavailable | Main | The case of the AutoCAD and the Windows Blue Screen of Death »

    September 10, 2012



    I suppose we do not need to uninstall the previous SP1 before applying this SP 1.1?

    Tom Stoeckel

    Correct. As I said in the post, "If you managed to download and apply SP1 before it was removed, you can just apply SP1.1 on top of it. Uninstall of SP1 is not necessary or required."

    Jimmy Bergmark - JTB World

    Was the fix for this removed from SP1.1? "Crash while switching IME language for double-byte characters, when Dynmode is turned off."

    Tom Stoeckel

    Jimmy: Yes, this fix was removed as it was causing other issues in the product. The AutoCAD team is still working on resolving that issue outside of the Service Pack but cannot currently comment on when or how that fix will be made available.

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